Comment conjuguer le verbe boire « to drink » en anglais ?

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Dans l’optique de maîtriser la conjugaison en anglais, connaître les verbes irréguliers est impératif. Le verbe « to drink », qui signifie « boire » en anglais, fait partie de la liste des verbes irréguliers à connaître. Ci-après la conjugaison de ce verbe dans les différents temps de la conjugaison anglaise.

L’infinitif, le prétérit et le participe passé

Comme la grande majorité des verbes en anglais, l’infinitif ici est précédé de « to » : « to drink ». Pour ce qui est du prétérit, étant donné qu’il s’agit d’un verbe irrégulier, son prétérit irrégulier est « drank » et non « drinked » comme les verbes réguliers. Pour ce qui est du participe passé, il est aussi irrégulier : « drunk ».

Les temps au présent

Bien qu’ils soient simples à appréhender, nous allons conjuguer le verbe « to drink » aux différents temps du présent.

Present simple

  • I drink
  • You drink
  • He/She drinks
  • We drink
  • You drink
  • They drink

Present continuous/progressive

  • I am drinking
  • You are drinking
  • He/She is drinking
  • We are drinking
  • You are drinking
  • They are drinking

Present perfect

  • I have drunk
  • You have drunk
  • He/She has drunk
  • We have drunk
  • You have drunk
  • They have drunk

Present perfect continuous

  • I have been drinking
  • You have been drinking
  • He/She has been drinking
  • We have been drinking
  • You have been drinking
  • They have been drinking

Les temps au passé

Après avoir vu la conjugaison du verbe « to drink » au temps présent, voyons maintenant les conjugaisons au passé.

Past simple

  • I drank
  • You drank
  • He/She drank
  • We drank
  • You drank
  • They drank

Past perfect simple

  • I had drunk
  • You had drunk
  • He/She had drunk
  • We had drunk
  • You had drunk
  • They had drunk

Past perfect continuous

  • I had been drinking
  • You had been drinking
  • He/She had been drinking
  • We had been drinking
  • You had been drinking
  • They had been drinking

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Les temps au futur

Les temps au futur sont simples à acquérir, mais il faut faire attention à l’usage des différents temps. Voyons maintenant la conjugaison au futur du verbe « to drink ».

Futur simple

  • I will drink
  • You will drink
  • He/She will drink
  • We will drink
  • You will drink
  • They will drink

Future continuous

  • I will be drinking
  • You will be drinking
  • He/She will be drinking
  • We will be drinking
  • You will be drinking
  • They will be drinking

Future perfect

  • I will have drunk
  • You will have drunk
  • He/She will have drunk
  • We will have drunk
  • You will have drunk
  • They will have drunk

Future perfect continuous

  • I will have been drinking
  • You will have been drinking
  • He/She will have been drinking
  • We will have been drinking
  • You will have been drinking
  • They will have been drinking

homme qui boit

Les temps au conditionnel

Les différents temps du conditionnel que nous allons aborder ici pour le verbe « to drink » sont le « conditional simple », le « conditional continuous », le « conditional perfect » et le « conditional perfect continuous ».

Conditional simple

  • I would drink
  • You would drink
  • He/She would drink
  • We would drink
  • You would drink
  • They would drink

Conditional continuous

  • I would be drinking
  • You would be drinking
  • He/She would be drinking
  • We would be drinking
  • You would be drinking
  • They would be drinking

Conditional Perfect

  • I would have drunk
  • You would have drunk
  • He/She would have drunk
  • We would have drunk
  • You would have drunk
  • They would have drunk

Conditional perfect continuous

  • I would have been drinking
  • You would have been drinking
  • He/She would have been drinking
  • We would have been drinking
  • You would have been drinking
  • They would have been drinking


Ci-après les conjugaisons du verbe « to drink » à l’impératif :

  • Drink !
  • Let’s drink !

Exercice : conjuguez le verbe to drink au temps indiqué

She … (present simple) a lot of water to stay healthy.


Correct !

Faux !

They … (futur simple) wine for the birthday party.

will drink
will drinks

Correct !

Faux !

If I were rich, I … (conditional simple) champagne every week-end.

will drink
would drink

Correct !

Faux !

Last Saturday night, you … (past perfect simple) too much beer.

had drunk

Correct !

Faux !

… (imperative) soda with our friends !

Let’s drunk
Let’s drink

Correct !

Faux !

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